We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

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2/F East Wing
12 Borrett Road
Central, Hong Kong
2521 6890

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S7EP1 - Miriam

S7EP1 - Miriam

Season 7 is back with the brand-new theme 'Under the Surface'! Very often when we look at something, we are merely taking in the tip of an iceberg. There's always more - much, much more - to what we can see.

In Hong Kong, 47.5% of students have drunk alcohol before (Narcotics Division, 2022). At family gatherings or due to peer pressure, many young people are exposed to alcohol at an early age. Our young host, Renee, and Youth Services Officer, Miriam, exchanged their thoughts on this.