We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

Contact Info

2/F East Wing
12 Borrett Road
Central, Hong Kong
2521 6890

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「Heads Up」青年精神健康工作坊

「Heads Up」工作坊讓年青人了解如何透過運動、朋輩支援及改變生活習慣來改善我們的精神健康!

A) 2022年3月30日 (三), 下午5:00 - 下午6:30
     語言: 英文
     對象: 18 - 24歲青年


B) 2022年4月7日 (四), 下午3:30 - 下午5:00      
     語言: 廣東話      
     對象: 13 - 17歲青年


C) 2022年4月11日 (一), 下午5:00 - 下午6:30            
    語言: 英文             
     對象: 13 - 17歲青年


Coolminds Speaker Series - (請參閱英文版本)

The Coolminds Speaker Series is a two-day workshop that brings together a small group to learn how to safely and effectively share their mental health journey, whether it is lived experience or that of supporting another person.

A)  Two days workshop      
     1st day: 13 April 2022 (Wed), 10:00 am - 5:00 pm       
     2nd day: 14 April 2022 (Thu), 10:00 am - 1:30 pm 

     Medium: English      
     Target: Ethnic Minority youth aged 16 - 23


B) Two days workshop             
    1st day: 23 April 2022 (Sat), 10:00 am - 5:00 pm        
    2nd day: 24 April 2022 (Sun), 10:00 am - 1:30 pm          

    Medium: English                
    Target: Ethnic Minority youth aged 18 - 23



「與『理情』共舞」工作坊工作坊應用認知行為治療作基礎 (Cognitive-Behavior Approach),與青少年探討日常生活所面對的負面及不安情緒,引導青少年採取正面思考模式及生活態度以應對壓力。

A)  2022年4月7日 (四), 下午3:00 - 下午4:00      
      語言: 廣東話     
      對象: 中一至中六學生


B)  2022年4月14日 (四), 下午3:00 - 下午4:00             
      語言: 廣東話           
      對象: 中一至中六學生



This programme targets young people from Ethnic Minority backgrounds and aims to engender a culture of peer support and positive messaging for at risk young people in deprived districts around Hong Kong. Participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to create culturally appropriate drug awareness information and decide how best to promote that to their peers.

Date & Time to be confirmed Five sessions in total (3 hours per session)

Medium: English

Drug and Alcohol Awareness Workshop 

These workshops aim to provide a structured curriculum for schools to easily implement for each form, to raise awareness on the issues related to drugs and alcohol. The content of the workshops is designed to be age appropriate, focusing on baseline knowledge for younger students and equipping older students with resistance skills, and making informed decisions. We encourage schools to start early and progress slowly to provide a safe and supportive school environment for students to learn about drugs and alcohol.

Available upon request

Medium: English 

Parents and Teachers Online Workshop - Youth Alcohol Consumption & Communication

This workshop aims to increase the awareness of the harms of alcohol and reduce its consumption among youth. We invite you to participate in our workshop on youth alcohol consumption in Hong Kong in hopes of building a supportive community for the youth and each other.

Available upon request

Medium: English 

Peer facilitator training

These training workshops aim to enhance the school environment to support help-seeking behaviour around alcohol misuse and build healthier school communities through raising awareness of alcohol and the harms associated with it. Based on the belief of empowering young people to be reaching out to their peers as an effective method for outreach on such public education campaigns, KELY staff will facilitate and teach youth to lead this process and campaign.

Eligibility: F3 - F6 students in Hong Kong
Vacancies: 5 - 10 students
Medium: English
Format: 8 hours of online training + Campaign Launch
Date: 19 Apr (Tue), 3 May (Tue), 17 May (Tue)
Time: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Fee: Free

