We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

Contact Info

2/F East Wing
12 Borrett Road
Central, Hong Kong
2521 6890

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Make Your Donation Count - 30 for 30 Monthly Giving

For the past 30 years, KELY has been sparing no effort to support local youth and their wellbeing. Now from $30 monthly, join hands with us and empower young people to build positive mental health.

Make your giving from $30 per month, and together we empower, educate and support Hong Kong youth for their better future.

Support Hong Kong Youth

In KELY’s latest mental health survey in 2021, interviewing over 1,300 local youth, over 51% of them identified their mental states as ‘somewhat stressed’, due to Academic pressure, College / Unemployment, and Lack of time. The dilemma and struggles faced by the youth might not be a news to you, not to mention when turmoil has been escalating in recent years, posing even more significant challenges to our young community.

 “I was promoted to a non-Chinese speaking secondary school. Since I didn’t speak in English and I knew nothing there, I thought I did not belong to that place. It was my first time feeling I was so lonely and helpless. Day by day, I fell into emotional distress. Fortunately, I joined a KELY’s youth programme at school when I was in Form 4. Those staff members were very patient and instilled a lot of good values in me. They empowered me to understand my own emotions and deal with all my negative thoughts. I gradually built my confidence and was willing to take a step forward to learn a couple of new things. I was so thankful to have the kind support from KELY when I was in the face of adversity. KELY empowered me to grow, thrive and succeed.” – Madonna, a 15-year-old girl

"At times I felt trapped, bearing with adults’ and society’s expectation. Uncertainties about the future and about myself kind of drown me…… It only went worse when the pandemic hit that we weren’t able to reach out to anyone for help." 19-year-old Hong Kong youth

By making a monthly contribution to KELY, you could bring a difference to youth suffering in the abyss of despair.

KELY Support Group is a Hong Kong-based nonprofit organisation, having been committed to standing by the side of young people over the past 3 decades, offering all-round support and opportunities for their positive development. During a lot of critical moments, KELY has responded timely to be there for our youth – COVID-19 has been one, under which we began to digitalise our workshops to keep the interaction with youth, launch initiatives such as Coolminds to take care of their emotional needs, and work on to produce more online resources. All of those were not done alone. Your continuous backup is indispensable to us, and to every youth that we serve along the journey.

In this special occasion which we’re reviewing our impacts made so far, we particularly want you to acknowledge how much people like you could contribute to bring young people a different life, and why that matters.

"Don't forget what you were like as a teenager. A lot of parents are too intense and there's a lot of pressure. Teenagers eventually grow up and our job is to make sure they get through those years." David Law, parent of KELY’s programme participant

No matter if you’re a parent like David, a teacher or any adult that care about the wellbeing and development of our youth, we need you to be here for them.

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