We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

Contact Info

2/F East Wing
12 Borrett Road
Central, Hong Kong
2521 6890

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Mental Health & Wellbeing

Young people growing up in Hong Kong face increasing levels of stress - from dealing with changes associated with adolescence, to academic pressures, to growing use of social media and other technology - all of which can lead to anxiety, depression, and other health issues.

We take a preventative approach to our Mental Health and Wellbeing programmes and focus on helping young people to understand their own emotions, cope with stress, and know how to help themselves as well as their peers.

Youth Mental Health Education

At KELY, we take a proactive approach to improving young people's understanding of mental health and preventing problems from reaching a crisis point. Our programmes focus on de-stigmatising mental health and equipping young people with the skills to cope with difficult emotions in a healthy way. We also empower young people to support those around them, by learning practical skills around providing emotional support to each other.

Mental Health Support Services

Our team is on the frontlines engaging with young people in Hong Kong every day, putting KELY in a critical position to help young people access professional help where needed. In situations where we identify additional mental health service needs, we refer young people to our network of trusted mental health professionals and organisations in Hong Kong.

Our Mental Health & Wellbeing Programmes


  • Together, We Flourish! - A community youth mental health initiative.
  • Talk2Me - Programme to increase students’ ability and confidence to recognise and respond to issues among friends and peers. Targets Secondary School students from F.4 and F.5.
  • Project Connect – A mental health referral service for youth
  • Community Sports based Mental Health Awareness Programme for Youth


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