We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

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12 Borrett Road
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2521 6890

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Be the one to ACT NOW and prevent youth suicide.

We have updated the #OneIsTooMany pledge for the 2024 edition.


Further ACTION in support of young people around me:

  • Connect with at least one young person and engage in meaningful conversations for at least 15 minutes per week. 
  • To take care of others, start by taking care of yourself. Spend 5 minutes checking in with yourself every day. 
  • Utilise resources provided by KELY Support Group in the #OneIsTooMany campaign, especially when interacting with young people.

What You Will Receive

We ask that you make this pledge with us, because the more people who pledge to this cause, the more support that our youth will get from our society. 

Exclusively for pledgers of #OneIsTooMany2023, you will receive a series of articles, tips and other resources created or written by mental health professionals and KELY youth volunteers. 

If you choose to give us your postal address, we will also mail a physical #OneIsTooMany2023 badge as an appreciation for your support.

Tips for Pledgers

Facts of Youth Suicide in 2022

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young people worldwide [1]. According to a local study published in 2023, 17.5% of secondary school respondents reported suicidal ideation, while 7.8% of them had attempted suicide [2] in Hong Kong. In 2022, 70 young people died by suicide in Hong Kong [3]. This means we lost more than one young life every week.

Any young life taken by oneself is one too many.

Walk the Talk

Weez Walk is a virtual walk to raise funds and awareness for youth mental health and suicide prevention. It is a multi-facet campaign that combines sports and arts with local tour and competitive elements to engage with people from all backgrounds in our society. Find out more about Weez Walk 2024 on our event website.

Youth’s Lived Experiences of
Mental Health Struggles

These brave young persons have agreed to let us share their struggles with mental health issues, so that we can learn from their experience. While their struggles may have been conceived under very different circumstances, all of them deserve the same level of attention, because no mental health issue is too small to address. We hope that after listening to what these youths have to say, you can resonate with their experience, and learn how to help others going through similar hardships.

We would like to express our gratitude to Under Production, who supported us as a partner for the artwork creation of this campaign.

We would also like to thank the following persons, who very kindly volunteered to help us with research and content creation in the preparation of this campaign (in alphabetical order):

  • Angela Paulette Tang
  • Ann Leung
  • Enerlan, Diza May Yap
  • Hoi Man Wong
  • Lucy Skrine


  1. World Health Organisation – Suicide. Accessed 10 Sep 2023.
  2. Shimin Zhu, Xiaomin Li, Paul W.C. Wong, Risk and protective factors in suicidal behaviour among young people in Hong Kong: A comparison study between children and adolescents, Psychiatry Research, Volume 321, 2023, 115059, ISSN 0165-1781,
  3. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention.

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