We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

Contact Info

2/F East Wing
12 Borrett Road
Central, Hong Kong
2521 6890

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It will take a village, but it is easier when we stand together.

Our theme this year is TRUST, which stands for the things that we need to support a youth who is struggling.


We hope that you will also share this campaign with others who care about youth, so that we can unite our forces to safeguard the youth of Hong Kong. You may see below for more information that may catch their attention.

Statistics figures reported that there were 1,092 suicides reported in the 2023, of which 159 suicides were youth between the age of 10-29 - a record high since 2016 (1), and reveals the worrying fact that on average, three young person died of suicide every week.

Further study have shown that suicide rate for youth aged 15-24 to be 11.9 per 100,000 people. In particular, the suicide rate of young girls under 15 increased from 0.5 in 2022 to 4.2 in 2023, showing a significant increment of 740% (2). 


  1. Extracted from the 2023 Annual Report of The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong. Accessed on 30 August 2024.
  2. Extracted from Press Conference Slides of the 2024 World Suicide Prevention Day Press Conference held by the The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention  of the University of Hong Kong. Accessed on 10 September 2024.

#OneIsTooMany (or #OITM) is KELY’s signature public awareness and education online pledge campaign. The campaign renews every year on World Suicide Prevention Day (10 Sep) with new resources prepared by KELY staff, volunteers and professionals. These resources are compiled for pledged supporters to acquire knowledge and skills to prevent youth suicide.

Click to find out more about #OITM2022 and #OITM2023.

Once an individual has pledged to support, they will receive the series of resources at their registered email address within a 30-days period. These resources may include KELY self-developed suicide prevention tips, articles written by professional parties, sharing’s by youth or volunteers, and other multi-media contents.

Not really - #OneIsTooMany is a pledge to take action, to understand and to care.

If you find our resources useful and would like to support KELY’s work with youth, please consider becoming a monthly donor or make a one-off donation to support our course. You can find more information on our Donation Page.

We welcome leaders in our community to pledge as a corporate / organisation and help spread the message to their employees and associates!

Pledged corporates and organisations will be given priority in future KELY activities and initiatives. KELY can also support the company’s/organisation’s needs if they need any further resources on mental health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol awareness or positive youth development.

For more information, please contact

Other Ways to Support #OneIsTooMany

If you are willing to go the extra mile, we would really appreciate your donation, which will allow us to provide better, more extensive and more comprehensive programmes and services for youth.

We are looking for more monthly donors, but we also welcome one-off donations

If you would like to make a donation in-kind, please send an email to

The more people who know about our campaign, the more people who will be aware of the needs of our young people. Please invite your friends and family to also pledge to support #OneIsTooMany, so we can stand together and create a safe environment where youth are empowered to reach their potential. You can also follow us on social media (Facebook / Instagram / LinkedIn / Youtube) for our other upcoming youth initiatives or activities.

The Parent Bulletin is KELY new parent initiative that aims to support parents who are supporting youth with mental health struggles. The bulletin is delivered to subscribers every two months with sharing’s’ and submissions from other parents who have children struggling with mental health, or youth who are struggling with mental health issues.

By sharing these stories and experiences, we hope that you will understand that this is not a battle that you need to fight alone – we aim to build a strong community of parents so we all have someone to turn to if and when we need.

Click here to subscribe.
Submit your own story by email or anonymously.

If you are a leader of a company or an organisation and would like to help KELY fundraise or promote youth-friendly initiatives, services and programmes, please send an email to

The Handshake - A promise to safeguard and support youth

A “handshake” is a gesture that you do with another person of the same or similar standing to signify that both parties have agreed to work together and trust each other on a partnership.

Incorporated into #OneIsTooMany, this means that we are willing to treat young people as our equal with a non-judgmental attitude, to listen and to understand their troubles and concerns, and to promise to stay with them and support them through their journey.

This design was developed upon our concept for #OITM2023, which signified the warmth that we feel when we reach out to/for help, upon making the connection.

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