KELY Youth Toolkits
With proven school-based work in providing education on drug and alcohol awareness, mental health and wellbeing, and positive youth development, KELY has put together a micro resource youth toolkit which consists of modules on different topics that students can access online from home. Each topic takes around 20 mins and is taught using video and accompanying factsheets and activities.
Drugs & Alcohol Awareness
This module explores 5 common myths around cannabis.Video, Factsheet and Activity
This module talks about the 5 most common drugs used by youth in Hong Kong.Video, Factsheet and Activity
Mental Health & Wellbeing
This module explains how cognitive behaviour therapy can help manage stress and how we can apply it to our daily life.
Video, Factsheet and Activity
This module explores ways to manage stress and build a balanced lifestyle.Video, Factsheet and Activity
This module explores the importance of safe internet use and provides tips for internet safety.Video, Factsheet and Activity
This module explores ways to practice self care and the mental health benefits of exercise. Video, Factsheet and Activity
Online quiz: Being E-safe scenarios
Positive Youth Development
This module explores the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and ways to set personal boundaries.Video, Factsheet and Activity
This module explores the importance of personal values and ways to identify them.Video, Factsheet and Activity
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