We collaborate with schools and other partners to offer programmes to youth between the ages of 14 and 24 around our 3 core focus areas.

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A Sharing by Sarah and Angel

Mental Health Team Members of KELY Support Group

Key Takeaways from Sarah and Angel

1. Notice changes in youth's behaviour.

When a youth is experiencing mental health struggles, we may not know about it if they don’t say it. However, we can look out for any changes in their behaviour or on their body. 

2. Happy faces and funny jokes does not mean that the youth is not struggling with mental health.

Young people often use humour to brush over more serious topics and problems. It’s hard for us to tell when they are being serious, or when they are just making a joke, but if we proactively show our care and concern at these occasions, and show that we are willing to listen to them, they may feel more comfortable to share more.

3. Sometimes, they just need you to be with them.

We may think that we are not professionally trained, or are afraid of saying the wrong thing, ending up making things worse, but very often, they only need someone to listen to them. Be their tree hole and listen to what they have to say, so they know someone still cares. They just wanted someone to be with them and sit with them.

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