7 April is World Health Day

World Health Day reminds us that both our body and mind are precious to us. Whether it’s spending time with family and friends, studying for an important test, or making decisions both big and small. Being both physically and mentally healthy is what allows us to achieve our goals and feel fulfilled!

We may hear a lot about how to stay physically healthy, such as balancing our diet, exercising regularly and spending time outdoors.

But how can we stay mentally healthy? To both energize our brain and let it relax, try this!

  • Send a message to a friend we haven’t spoken to in over a week
  • Practice gratitude by giving thanks to positive things in our life
  • Spend a few minutes every day to reflect on what happened that day, and if anything is affecting our mood or emotions
  • Try something new we haven’t done before

Our physical health and our mental health actually influence each other! Maintaining our physical health can boost our mood and help our problem-solving and decision-making skills. At the same time, taking care of our mental health can keep our energy levels high throughout the day to perform tasks, and even boost our immune system!